Awal pagi tadi, aku telah di 'buzz' oleh cik bulanhijau. Dia hadiahkan aku with this award. Thank you my fren! Tapi kan..honestly...aku terkedu jap bila baca apa yang cik bulanhijau tulis tentang aku (dari kacamata dia lah!..eh..kau pakai spek ke beb?)..hehe..
8. awan bayu. Dia, reviewer terhebat! Boleh menangis
berguling-guling, babe ! Tapi, apa yang dia cakap semuanya
hahaha...reviewer terhebat?! aku?...hahaha lagi!...
baru 1 novel je aku review (if you could call that a review lah!)...itu pun sebab aku dipaksa (sorry nasz...tapi memang kau paksa kan..haha)
Anyway, sepatutnya aku kena pulak buat bebenda ni untuk award ini:-
i. Nominate 12 more bloggers. ..aku dah decide not to do this
sbb ada ke org yg baca blog aku nih?
ii. Put the logo onto your sidebar or within a post. done!
iii. Link the nominees within your post. ..no nominees..so no link
iv. Let the nominees know they have received this award by
commenting on their respective blogs. ..again...no nominees..
v. Share the love and link to the person from whom you have
received the award. ..done!
Tapi kan..kot2 ada lah yang baca blog aku nih...kalau terasa nak amek award ni...sila lah...khas buat anda...
~ enough for now! ~
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